中文简体 | GitHub | Web BPC | G-XIAKE.com helps you calibrate your radio-controlled clock like CASIO G-Shock.

💡ℹ️ For the MacBook Pro in the 2016 model or later(the logo cannot be able to light up), please connect your earphone to the computer with the 3.5mm phone jack then wind the earphone wire in a loop in the same diameter as your watch.

Your clock on this device:
Convert to GMT+8: ---


Step 1: Close all other voice source software on the computer you are currently using.
Step 2: Unmute and turn up the speaker volume.
Step 3: Change the city time settings to HKT or BJS on your watch or clock.
Step 4: Launch the time calibrating manually on your watch or clock.
Step 5: Hold your watch or clock to this computer speaker as close as possible.
Step 6: Click the [Start calibrating] button below and keep this page being front of all other windows.


Verify if your watch is a radio-controlled clock.
It will be a radio-controlled clock if your watch is able to be calibrated back to the day of 2011/11/11.
This verification is for reference only. The accuracy of the result cannot be guaranteed.
